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Complete the following sentences in the present perfect simple tense. 1) She (to be) happy all day.
2) It always (to snow) here in December.
3) Dan (to be) sick for three days.
4) Li and Susan (to try) four times already and will not give up.
5) The old car (to be) a piece of junk since I bought it.
6) We not (to take) this test before.
7) My uncle (to be) to China.
8) Our father never (to drive) to California before.
9) I (to speak) to the president before.
10) The old man occasionally (to need) help crossing the street

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. именно он полил цветы вчера. 2. именно этот журнал выходит дважды в месяц. 3. именно гарри вернулся поздно вчера. 4. именно на этой улице мой любимый магазин 5. именно я отправил письмо неделю назад

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