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Task 2. Match the conimunication words with the comments. Innovation, Simple,
Simple, Connect, Information,
Technology, Message, Communicate, Decide
15 the use of science or engineering to create useful things
2. When you
you tell someone something
3. When you make
it means you think about something and then make up your
4. When you
with someone you talk or meet with them to tell them something
5. А
is something you want to tell someone else
6. An
is a new idea, thing, or way to do something
7. When you want
about something, you want to know things about it
8. When something is
that means it does not have a lot parts and it is easy to
көмек керек болып тұр.​​

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Ответы на вопрос:

People  advised  us not to go out alone. we were advised not to  go out alone  the  company  employs  two hundred people.two hundred people are empoyed by the company a loud  noise  woke  us  up  during the night. we were waked(woken) up by a loud noise during the night somebody  locks  the park gates at 6.30 p.m. the park gates are locked at 6,30 p.m. i  posted  the letter a week ago. the letter (my letter)  was posted a week ago 11. somebody  has  cleaned  the room. the room has been cleaned  12. they  have  postponed  the concert. the concert has been postponed 13. somebody  is  using  the computer at the moment. the computer ıs being used at the moment 14. i didn’t  realise that somebody  was recording  our conversation. i didn’t  realise that our conversation was being recorded 15. they  are  building  a new ring road round the city. a new ring road round the city is being built 16. they  have  built  a new hospital near the airport. a new hospıtal has been built near the airport 17.somebody  will clean  the windows later. the wındows will be cleaned later   we keep  money  in a safe. where is our money kept?   they speak  italian  in italy. what language is spoken in i̇taly? they took  his  aunt  to hospital. who was taken to hospital? the boys   damaged  the television. who was the television damaged by? da vinci   painted  the mona lisa. who was the mona lisa painted by? he invited  30 people  to his party. how many people were invited to his party? they grow  bananas  in africa. where are bananas grown? eat, give, lie, rain, walk i don’t  want to go home by bus. i'm going to walk take an  umbrella with you. it is going to rain i’m  hungry. i'm going to eat  this sandwich. it’s ann’s  birthday next week. we are going to give  her a present. i feel  tired. i'm going to lie  down for an hour.

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