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1. Leople bene called "Mount Alatau
2. The Gods were always quarreling with each
3. Aphrodite was a beautiful Goddess of care a
4. Aphrodite's symbols were doves, sparrows,
5. Aphrodite was the mother of three sons,

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Leople Bene

называется "Гора Алатау"

2. Боги всегда ссорились друг с другом.

3. Афродита была прекрасной богиней заботы и заботы.

4. Символами Афродиты были голуби, воробьи,

5. Афродита была матерью троих сыновей,


1. People believed that Greek Gods lived in a palace above a  mountain called “Mount Alatau”. - False

2. The Gods were always quarreling with each other. - True

3. Aphrodite was a beautiful Goddess of care and peace. - False

4. Aphrodite’s symbols were doves, sparrows, swans, and roses. - True

5. Aphrodite was the mother of three sons. - False

1. Leople bene called Mount Alatau2. The Gods were always quarreling with each3. Aphrodite was a be

moscow is the capital of russia and bigest city in the country.the population of moscow is 12 million and the total area of moscow is 900 square kilometers. fans of drawing can go to the tretyakov gallery or to the museum of fine arts. pushkino.in the city center you can see the kremlin and red square. it is also worth remembering the famous monuments, such as alexander pushkin or ivan fedorov. there are many stadiums in moscow.the central stadium is in luzhniki.the olympic village was built at the xxii olympic games in moscow in 1980.

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