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Определите целевую аудиторию для следующих бизнесов: 1) магазин одежды для бега;
2) магазин скейтбордов;
3) услуги уборки дома;
4) детский развивающий центр;
5) пошив галстуков на заказ

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

4,7(9 оценок)

Her sister will not go to england if she does not pass the exams. if parents want their children to read, they will take them to the livrery and help select books. will not  your brother help you if you get into trouble? will a child be patient, if he does not live with tolerance? if a child lives with friendshop and acceptance, he will find love in the world. if a parents do not teach their children values and ideals, how their children will find meaning and purpose in their lives?

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