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«Eco-tourism: blessing or threat?» вставити слова в текст.
There are some extra words you do not need to use.
so that - unfortunately - kind - raise - gorillas - nature
through - been - would need - health - are - in
tourists - found - died - despite - before - as

Eco-tourism: blessing or threat?

Jungle holidays help to money to protect threatened wildlife, but
the ever growing number of tourists trekking the African jungle
has proved by scientists to be a threat to apes. tourism or
eco-tourism as it is called has never been so popular, so thousands
of people thrilled with the idea of making their way through a
forest to see African . This of holiday is popular in many
African countries because it helps the local economy wildlife will be
protected both now and in the future., contact with
has caused fatal diseases in apes. The first evidence was
in Ivory Coast where a group of chimpanzees of a disease caused by
human contact.

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Вот, держи транскрипцию на ) тви  ин  ˈрашэ  из  ˈсимилэ  ту  ˌтиˈви  ин  ˈазэˌюэрэˈпиэн  ˈкантриз? уи  со  ˈрашэн  ˈвёшэнз  овлост  ов  ˈфэмили  шоуз  лайк  "бигˈбразэ"  энд  "ху  уонтс  ту  би  э  ˌмильэˈнеэ? "  уирид  зэ  ˈпроугрэм  гайд  .  ˈрашэн  ˌтиˈви  ˈолсоухэз  э  фью  соуп  ˈопэрэз,  эз  ин  ˈолмоуст  ˈевриˈазэ  плейс  ин  зэ  уёлд.  ˈрашэн  ˈтелиˌвижэнхэз  ˈоувэ  ˈтуэнти  ˈчэнлз  он  зи  еэр  энд  зиз  абоус  ˈпаблик  энд  ˈпрайвит.  уан  ов  зэ  моустˈпопьюлэ  ˈчэнлз  из  ˈчэнл  уан  .  уи  со  лост  овэдˈвётс  фо  вэˈрайэти  шоуз  энд  ˈкомидишоуз.  зиз  а  ˈвери  ˈпопьюлэ  .  ˈрашэнз  ˈриэлилайк  ту  lauhg  энд  зей  инˈджой  ˈуочин  funneˈскечиз  энд  ˈстэндап  кэˈмидиэнз  исˈпешэлиуэн  зей  тел  джоукс  эˈбaут  ˈполитикс.  ов  косзеэр  ар  ˈолсоу  лост  ов  эˈмерикэн  эндˌюэрэˈпиэн  филмз  он  ˈтелиˌвижэн.  инфэкт, викт соу  ˈмени  ˈдифрэнт  тайпс  овˈпроугрэмз  уи  фaунд  ит  хад  ту  чуз!

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