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Summative assessment for the 1st term Grade 7

Task 1

First conditional

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs:

1.If we (do) our homework, the teacher (be) happy.

2.If you (not listen), you ( not understand) question.

3.If it(rain) tomorrow, where (we/ go)?

4.He (study) English if he (visit) Australia.

5.(we/play) tennis tomorrow if it (be) sunny?

Marks: __5

Task 2

Choose the correct words.

1.I’m not at all superstitious /superstition. I think we make our own luck.

2.I have a big fear/ superstition of spiders. I really hate them.


Task 3

Replace the underlined adjectives with their opposites.

1. My little sister is a bit easy-going when she is tired. Watch out!

2. My uncle is a very patient driver. He never waits for anyone.

3. My dad is really serious . He’s always telling jokes.


Task 4

Make Present Simple sentences affirmative and negative.

1.I / not go/ cycling

2.my brother / study/ French and German.

3.he / not play/ the guitar.

4.we/ not carry/ our mobile phones to school.

5.my sister / finish / her homework before dinner.


Total mark___15

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

  1. вид из окна и вид из двери разные 2.налоги в сингапуре и канаде не 3. точка кипения масла выше, чем вода 4. растительность европы и северной америки отличается 5. его график и ваше расписание одинаковы 6. этот торт и тот торт вкус тот же 7. плотность воды больше, чем льда

Популярно: Английский язык