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Use of English. Task 2 Put the adjectives in the correct order
1. I wanted to buy a
table. (round/blue/Italian/dining big)
2. Does Miriam need that
chair? (wooden-small-square)
3. What is this
thing? (red/triangular/leather)
4. Did you notice the brand of that
car? (green/streamlined/splendid/sport)
5. William can take care of your
(Persian/naughty/white) помаги у соч помаги у меня соч ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Maɪ  neɪm  ɪz  ʌnˈdreɪ .  aɪ  æm  9   jɪəz  əʊld .  aɪ  ˈstʌdi  æt  skuːl .  aɪ  kæn  rʌn  ˈvɛri  fɑːst,   ʤʌmp  ænd  klaɪm .  bʌt  aɪ  kɑːnt    flaɪ .  aɪ    hæv  ˈvɛri    bɪg  ænd  ˈfrɛndli  ˈfæmɪli .  ə  lɒt  ɒv  ˈgrænˌmʌðəz  ænd  ˈgrændˌfɑːðəz,   ɑːnts,   ˈbrʌðəz    ænd  ˈsɪstəz .  aɪ  spɛnd    maɪ    speə  taɪm  wɪð    ðɛm    ˈvɛri  ˈfʌni .

Популярно: Английский язык