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Myths and mythology were important in Ancient
ved in a palace above the clouds, and above amount
eople believed that each God had power over the
ad difficulties with each other sometimes
There were 12 Gods that the Greek worshipped. Aphrodite
beautiful Goddess of love and beauty, whose symbolis
oses. She was the mother of two sons, Cupid and A​

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Hello ! консультант hello,madam! can i help you ? i would like to try on a t-shirt and jeans. консультант what colour? blue,please. консультант any problem,madam? i'd like a smaller size! does it suit me? консультант it looks good. how much are the jeans and the t-shirt? консультант 25 pounds. what is it,madam? nothing.i'm all right. here you are! консультант thank you. goodbuy.

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