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Why was the first Kazakh grammar book written?

өтінемін көмектесіңдерш

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Ммм...Не понятно


The Kazakh alphabet, based on Arabic graphics, was corrected by A. Baitursynov and improved in accordance with the peculiarities of the language. In Kazakhstan, until the 30s, it was used under the name "label". The spelling of this letter is based on morphological traditional conditions.

(Араб графикасына негізделген қазақ әліпбиін кезінде А.Байтұрсынұлы реттеп, тіл ерекшеліктеріне сай жетілдірген. Қазақстанда 30-шы жылдарға дейін “төте жазу” деген атпен қолданылып келген. Бұл жазудың емлесі морфологиялық дәстүрлі шарттарға негізделген.)

Көмегі тиді деп ойлаймын :-)

Last year we went to antalya to visit our  grandparents. they  were very glad to see us. it  was a very good holiday for us.  we went swimming with my  brother. he  swims well. we  had  picnics all together. the picnics were very funny. my grandmother made  sandwiches for us. she makes really delicious sandwiches. i love her  all meals.  our  father and mother went to discos at night. they  like dancing and at the weekend  they  go to a dance club. while our  parents were out, our  grandfather told us  funny stories. we  laughed all night. our grandmother made pop-corn for us.  in the mornings we  had breakfast in the garden. it  was full of flowers. there were ducks and hens in the garden. we  played with the ducks and the hen. they  were very lovely. it  was a very beautiful holiday. i  am waiting for next visit to our grandparents impatiently. 

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