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I. Name, when/ where born
II. Early years ( studying , graduating the school)
III. Later years ( the war years, military ranks, after the war..)
IV. Conclusion.
To this day, people consider/remember him as …..
This year we celebrate his ….. anniversary.

Baurzhan Momyshuly …. people’s hero /a real people’s batyr, a famous writer.
….. was born ….( date) in …(where) …(what family)
In 1929, he. …. (the name of his school) . After school, he studied …..(where). In January 1941 he joined the army and became a military leader.
He started the war with the rank of……….. and end the war ……
…… was appointed an ………, then ……, next ……. And during World War 2, he was the only Kazakh- ………….
After the war he was fond of/ interested in ……………….
One of his famous book is Moscow is behind us. ( why?)
He fought in many battles ( where?) … village….. kilometres from……
He was famous for his ……. ( what qualities?)
To this day, people remember/ consider him as ………
This year we celebrate …………… anniversary .

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. englishmen usually say (pres simp - say): "no news is (pres simp - be) good news". 2. we are working (pres cont  - work) at this problem successfully. 3. the strangers were looking (past cont  - look) for a hotel. 4. the president won't report (fut simp  - report) back to his electors. 5. in a week i shall be fishing (fut cont - fish) in a boat far from here. 6. crime laboratories appeared (past simp - appear) due to the police needs. 1. обычно говорят: «отсутствие новостей - это хорошая новость».2. мы успешно работаем над этой проблемой.3. приезжие искали гостиницу.4. президент не будет отчитываться перед своими избирателями.5. через неделю я буду ловить рыбу на лодке далеко отсюда.6. криминальные лаборатории появились в связи с потребностями полиции.

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