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Составьте вопросительные предложения во времени Present Simple 1. I / a car / want

2. he / her hand / touch

3. you / me / love

4. you / to the radio / listen

5. Albert / squash / play

6. you / the house / see

7. they / races / run

8. the teacher / the tenses / explain

9. you / the car / repair

10. we / our holiday / enjoy

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Do I want a car?

2. Does he touch her hand?

3. Do you love me?

4. Do you listen to the radio?

5. Does Albert play sguash?

6. Do You see the house

7. Do they run races?

8. Does the teacher explain the tenses

9. Do you repair the car

10. Do we enjoy our holiday

1.  Yesterday Mr. Watson drank too much at the party.

   Yesterday Mr. Watson did not (didn't) drink too much at the party.

   Did Mr. Watson drink too much at the party yesterday?

2. We like to read new words at English.

   We do not (don't) like to read new words at English.

   Do we like to read new words at English?

3. My friend has got a lot of books.

   My friend has not (hasn't) got a lot of books.

   Has my friend got a lot of books?

4. Ben went to school.

   Ben did not (didn't) go to school.

   Did Ben go to school?

5. Their flat is larger than ours.

   Their flat is no larger than ours.

   Is their flat is larger than ours?

6. She wants to buy something for her friend.

   She does not (doesn’t) want to buy something for her friend

   Does she want to buy something for her friend?

7. No news is good news.

   No news is (isn't) good news.

   Is no news good news?

8. He lives on the second floor.

   He does not (doesn't) live on the second floor.

   Does he live on the second door?


1. Вчера мистер Уотсон слишком много выпил на вечеринке

2. Мы любим читать новые слова на английском.

3. У моего друга много книг.

4. Бен пошел в школу.

5. Их квартира больше нашей.

6. Она хочет купить что-то для своего друга (подруги).

7. Отсутствие новостей - хорошая новость (буквально: Нет новостей, это хорошие новости).

8. Он живет на втором этаже.

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