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Margaret is replying to a letter from a new friend. In the gaps, use the infinitive without changing it, or add to or change it to the -ing form. 'It was nice to hear from you. You asked me to tell you as much as I could about myself, so i will! To begin with, I don't like (+) (cook). And I hate (1) (wash) up. I can't (2)… (drive), but I'm planning (3)… (learn) one day! I gave up (4)… (smoke) ten years ago. You don't (5) (smoke), do you? What else can I (6)… (tell) you? Onions and old films make me (7)… (cry). I go (8) (dance) on Sunday afternoons. And I don't mind (9) (walk) in the rain. think that's almost everything about me. Oh yes. I've decided (10) (get) fit. (11)… (Jog) regularly makes me (12)… (feel) better, but don't like (13)… (cycle), and I love (14)… (eat) chocolate! If you want me (15) (continue), you'll have to write back! (But I'd rather (16)… (hear) about you.)'​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

0. to cook

1. to hate

2. drive

3. to learn

4. smoking

5. smoke

6. tell

7. cry

8. dancing

9. walking

10. to get

11. Jogging

12. feel

13. cycling

14. to eat

15. to continue

16. to hear


He's got a guitar. it's his guitar. we buy a sofa. it's our sofa. they have got a cat. it's their cat. my little brother has got  a teddy bear. it's his teddy  bear. you have got a camera. it's your camera.

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