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GRAMMAR. Complete the sentences. Use the comparative or superlative adjective or adverb form. Use more / less and the most / the least. 1    You need to speak to teachers than you do now. (respectful) 

2    She’s always buying presents. She’s person I know. (generous)

3    Can you play your music ? I’m trying to read! (loud)

4    He’s always so cheerful. He’s person I’ve ever met. (pessimistic)

5    Try to think about your future career . Not everyone can be a world-famous pop star! (realistic)​

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Ответы на вопрос:

the only thing that you have to go to the same thing is a great time to get the only one of and to be able too many people have a good time for me know when you're ready for a while to the only thing I have to the only one who has a

A He asked me not to open the door while he was away.


В остальных вариантах ошибки:

B He told me not to open the door while he is away. (не согласован глагол)

C He asked me do not open the door while he was away. (неверная передача повелительного наклонения в косвенной речи)

D He asked me not to open the door while I am away.  (неверно употреблены местоимение и глагол)

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