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Choose and circle. Выбери и округли 1. They live /lived mane years ago.

2. Ancient Egyptiansdidn’t / don’t wear trousers.

3. He didn’t come /came to the party yesterday.

4. In Viking times men wrestled / hunted birds for food.

5. There were lots of wooden / board buckets in the Viking camp.

Task 3 Choose and circle. Выбери и округли

1. He play/ plays video games on Saturday

2. They juggle / juggles on Sunday.

3. She don’t / doesn’t like gymnastics.

4. How often do / does you play football?

5. Ann and Mark doesn’t / don’t watch sport on TV.

6. Where do / does he play handball?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Pacific ocean - Тихий океан

The black sea - Черное море

The Sahara desert - Пустыня Сахара

The lake Erie - Озеро Эри

The Amazon river - река Амазонка

The Black forest - Шварцвальд, Черный лес

The death valley - Долина смерти

Rocky mountains - Скалистые горы

The south pole - Южный полюс

The dead sea - Мертвое море


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