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Task 1. Read the text and Circle T (True) or F (False)

The Sun and the Moon.

The Sun is a source of natural light. It makes our world warm. We need the Sun to live and be happy. The Sun helps us to work.

The Moon is not a source of light but it helps us to see at night. This is because the Moon reflects light.

1. The Sun is the source of natural light. T F

2. We don’t need the Sun. T F

3. The Moon helps us to see at night. T F

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Ответы на вопрос:


Task 1. Read the text and Circle T (True) or F (False)

1) T

2) F

3) T

1 T

2 F

3 F


1-The Sun is a source of natural light.

2-We need the Sun to live and be happy.

3-The Moon is not a source of light but it helps us to see at night.

ответ зависит от отвечающего на во Спрашивается: «Как часто вы едите...»

1 eat out - на улице ( или не дома )

2 eat homemade food - домашнюю еду

3 eat junk food like burgers - нездоровую пищу как бургеры

4 drink fizzy drinks - пьёте шипучие (газированные) напитки

5 drink water - пьёте воду

6 order a takeaway - заказываете на дом

7 eat snacks between meals - едите закуски между едой

8 eat fruit - едите фрукты

В столбике поставить галочку

Everyday (каждый день)

Often (часто)

Sometimes (иногда)


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