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1. se of 1. Read text. sentences Andrew with the

form be, leave gel, like, Прочти техат.

предложения об be, have got, like н произвольной форме.

Icloud: his is my dad Andrew 36 years old. and thin.

sieler ture: here. H: playing and in his

free time. speak linglish.


very friendly and full.

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Ответы на вопрос:

what university occupies a prominent position among the scientific and educational institutions of russia?

what century does its history date back to?

when was the rostov mechanical institute of transport communication engineers established?

292 students were accepted to its three departments: railway, water transport and road construction, weren't they?

where was the institute evacuated to during the years of the world war ii?

when did the faculty and the students return back to rostov?

how many departments does the university comprise now?

where does the university have branches?

does the university faculty exceed 380 or 780 teachers?

how many students study at the departments and branches of the university at the present moment?

how many hostels are there on the territory of the campus?

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