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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present or past tense. I (to listen) to English speech on the Internet.
I (already/watch) a couple of American TV shows.
I (not/study) at college in 2001.
Phil could play the piano very well. He (to play) the piano for about 20 years.​

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On monday we had fve lessons. the fiss lesson was english. at thas lesson we wrote a dictation and did somebrexeicises. nick went to the blackboard.  he answered well and got a "fve". pese didnt' get a "fve" because he didin't know  his lesson. after the secondlesson i wento she canseen. i ate a sandwich and drank a cup of sea. i didn't drink milk. afei school i didn't go homeas once. i went so she libiaiy and read a book. then i went home.  старайся писать без ошибок, тяжело воспринимается. поначалу исправляла, потом уже перестала

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