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Поставьте слово в нужной форме. When Andrew and Angela had their second child, Angela decided that she didn't want to be a full-time mum. She is a
(LAW) and her job is much better paid. So it
made 2
(SENSIBLE) for Andrew to stay at home
and look after the kids. Many of his friends thought it was an
(CHOOSE) but they didn't understand
how many 4
(VARY) things he had to do every
day. The children were very 5
(ENERGY) and the
house looked really 6
(MESS) at times. But An-
drew didn't mind. He liked to see his children

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Ответы на вопрос:

This tower is the highest in the town.

Эта башня-самая большая в городе.

Higher означает выше, а в данном констексте было бы странно употребление этого прилагательного в сравнительной степени.

Популярно: Английский язык