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Перевидите предложения) 1.) date back-come from the time
2.) be guarded be watched or pre
3.) duty-work you have to do.
u.) guide - someone whose job i
them around.
5.) armed forces - acountry's
military people.
6)striking-easy to see
7.)formal occanio-a firmal celebrationsuchasa weddun,an anniver sary,a state celemony.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iwould like to tell you about alexander pushkin. he is a famous russian writer and poet. he lived in 19th century and he was killed in a duel at the age of 37. he wrote a lot of books. also he had four children. я хочу рассказать вам об александре пушкине. он - известный писатель и поэт. он жил в девятнадцатом веке и был убит на дуэли в 37 лет. он написал много книг. также у него было четверо детей.

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