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Choose the right variants monday I usually get

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.oh no! the children  have been cooking. (дети готовят! ) __ (cook). look at the state of this kitchen! 2.how many times has wendy been late for work this week? 3.i’m going to give that cat some food. it  has been sitting (сидит уже несколько часов)   on the doorstep for hours. i’m sure it’s starving.4.i' ve been (делаю все утро)   grammar exercises all morning. i deserve a treat for lunch.5.haven't you bought (not / buy) your mother a present? that’s really mean of you.6.she worked_ (work) in australia for 2 years. then she moved.7.now where are my keys? this is the third time i have lost (lose) them today8.have you ever played (ever/play) chess? you should try it. i’m sure it’s the sort that you’d like.9.oh, do be quiet. you have been grumbling__ (grumble) all day!   (бурчишь целый день! ) 10.your tennis  has really improved! have you been practicing in secret? (ты намного лучше стал играть в теннис! тренировался тайком? )

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