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Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Future-in-the-Past. 1. He said he soon (fake up) French.
2. I knew she still (see) him as often as she could.
3. He said they (start) at dawn, reach the river in the afternoon and in an hour or two would proceed up the road towards the cliffs.
4. The sun was setting. In an hour it (be) quite dark.
5. We had to clean the kitchen because they (visit) us.
6. I didn't sell this ring, it (be) a present for Kate on her next birthday.
7. (write) the book if I didn't tell you the story?
8. Who (follow) the criminal if the police wasn't informed?
9. My parents saved money as they (travel) around the world.

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там сложно и всё на англиском

Правильное произношение на русском

1. Ту Аустрелиа. Райт эвэй. Бай шип. Лейтер тудей. 2. Ту Кэнэда. Сун. Бай плэйн. Зыс автернун. 3. Ту Индиа. Тунайт. Бай боат. Эт халф паст найн. 4. Ту Беларус. Эт халф паст тэн. Бай трейн. Ай донт ноу вэн.

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