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Изучи 1. Read an article “Danger! Humans!” Прочти текст. When an animal attacks a person, there are always stories about

it on TV and in the newspapers. But people are usually more

dangerous than animals. Every year, we kill approximately 100

million sharks, but sharks only attack three or four people, and

crocodiles six or seven. More people die in accidents with chairs!

Animals aren’t really a problem for people, but we are a problem

for animals. We eat millions of tonnes of fish and meat every year.

But people don’t kill animals just for food. They also hunt them

for fur or for fun. While you’re reading this, people are hunting

animals all over the world.

At the moment, animals are becoming extinct in every part of the

world. The ‘red list’ of animals in danger in Kazakhstan includes

species of horses, leopards, wild dogs, lynx, otter, bats and bears.

We aren’t killing all these animals directly, but they are dying and

becoming extinct because of human behaviour. Our pollution and

construction is changing the climate and animals’ habitats, and

time is running out for some animals. It’s important to change our

actions now and save the animals!

2. Read the text again. Choose the correct answers. Прочитай ещё раз и выбери правильный ответ.

1 Crocodiles are more dangerous than ___.

a sharks. b chairs. c people.

2 Sharks attack people every year.

a 100 b 7 or 8 c 3 or 4

3 People kill animals .

a just for food. b mainly for fur or fun. c for meat, fun and fur.

4 The ‘red list’ is a list of .

a red animals. b dangerous animals. c animals becoming extinct.

5 The writer wants readers to .

a change what they do. b make a list of important animals.

c stop eating meat.

Выполни 3. BUILD YOUR VOCABULARY Look at the

words in black (bold) in the text. Обрати внимание на выделенные слова в тексте и выпиши подходящее.

1 Sharks don’t often humans.

2 There are 6,000 wild tigers in the world.

3 Some people are trying to endangered animals.

4 There are more people who die in with chairs than with animals.

5 Human are changing the climate.

6 There is a lot of in big cities.







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Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Big Ben in Manchester? - No, it is in London.

2. Are you a student? - Yes, I am.

3. Is Micky a singer? - Yes, she is

4. How old are you? - I am 18.

18.5. This is Nick. He is sixteen.

sixteen.6. My hobby is travelling

travelling7. Mike and Jan are our best friends.

our best friends.8. "Can I speak to Bill, please?"- "Oh, I am sorry, he is not at

not athome now.

not athome now.9, Boris in a clerk. He is a good clerk.

a good clerk.friends' names Boris and Max

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