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Exercise 17. Put the paragraphs in the right order. Give the title to the text. Add more information on the topic.
(A) Education in Ukraine is given a great attention by the government and a large number of
facilities and institutions exist for the purpose of educating the population. The system of education in
Ukraine extends right from pre-school to higher education.
(B) Basic school also falls under the secondary education system in Ukraine. This is the students'
last level of formal basic education. This level of education provides the link to continuous education
systems. It is compulsory to attend basic school for five years. Formal basic education is completed
between the ages of 14 and 16 years. On completion of basic schooling the student will receive a
certificate allowing them to continue on to upper secondary school as well as certain higher education
(C) Ukraine has a very well-developed higher education system. Higher education is provided by
higher education establishments, private bodies and scientific and methodological facilities of the
government. This system also encompasses post-graduate programs and Ph.D's as well as self-education.
The levels of accreditation depend on the Higher Education Institutes' status.
(D) Ukraine's educational legislation places great importance on pre-school education. This early
form of education is to be cared for by the family or through a pre-school institution. A variety of
institutions is available for this level of education in Ukraine and includes day care centers, kindergartens
and special facilities for disabled children. Provision is also made for orphans.
(E) Level one includes vocational schools that train junior specialists. Level two are colleges and
similar organizations that teach bachelors. Level three is made up of universities, institutes, academies
and conservatories which provide education for bachelors and specialists. Level four includes
universities, conservatories, institutes and academies which educate bachelors, specialists and masters.
(F) It is evident that the system of education in Ukraine has been well-developed and
opportunities exist for the entire population, even those living in the rural areas.
(G) Elementary school education in Ukraine forms the foundation of a child's schooling career.
Ukraine's Law on Education states that provision of elementary schools must be made wherever there are
students. Elementary or primary education acts to develop children's personalities, talents, formation of
morals, working education as well as knowledge of the human body, nature, industry and society. This
level of education is compulsory in Ukraine and is available at various types of institutions. Students
begin secondary comprehensive schooling at the age of 6 or 7 years.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. My family and I went to Turkey in 2008. Where did you go in 2008?

2. We travelled there by plane.

3. We stayed in a hotel.

4. We stayed there for 14 days.

5. The weather was horrible because it was too hot all the time.

6. We usually had meals in cafés near our hotel.

7. We did exercises every morning.

8. We made some really good friends.

9. We had great fun with singing our favourite songs.

10. We phoned home every 2 days to tell the news.

11. We decided to look at our best photos during the holiday on the way home.

12. We were very tired because our flight bach was delayed.

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