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Underline the correct answers 1.Do you prefer wearing short or full-length/long-sleeved skirts?
2.Sam refuses to wear anything made from animals-no velvet/fur and no leather.
3.You can’t wear two different shoes! You need gaudy/matching ones.
4.Mary’s got a brown, leather/loose clutch bag.
5.Jane bought her tracksuit years ago, but bright green is not trendy/baggy any more.
6.Sarah doesn’t wear anything synthetic-only cotton, no wool/nylon.
7.In summer I often wear cotton/short-sleeved trousers.
8.Go to a job interview in sparkly/smart but comfortable clothes. Avoid wearing anything scruffy.
9.Ann doesn’t like patterns. She prefers checked/plain clothes.
10.I hate wearing wooly/high-heeled roll-neck sweaters. They are really uncomfortable. ​

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Это особый вид вопросов в языке. частицы couldn't i и подобные переводятся как "разве не так? ". мы словно спрашиваем, ищем подтверждения, поэтому в конце должно быть тот же глагол и подлежащее, что и в основном предложении.

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