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Correct the words. My friend Melissa has recently 1 (did) a cookery course with her sister,
and they 2 ( has learned ) how to make different Spanish tapas.
Melissa 3 ( has want ) to do this for ages. She says it's
one of the best things she 4 ( has never done ) .
I'm very excited to try the new dishes she 5 ( made ) !
I think Melissa is feeling nervous, because she 6 ( never cooked )
for her friends before. We 7 ( not tasted ) some of the tapas
dishes before, but I'm sure they'll be delicious!
объяснить почему именно так, на примере 4 и 6 предложений. что означает tapas?

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Ответы на вопрос:

My friend Melissa has recently 1 (did) done a cookery course with her sister,

and they 2 ( has learned ) have learned how to make different Spanish tapas.

Melissa 3 ( has want ) has wanted to do this for ages. She says it's

one of the best things she 4 ( has never done ) has ever done.

I'm very excited to try the new dishes she 5 ( made ) has made!

I think Melissa is feeling nervous, because she 6 ( never cooked ) has never cooked for her friends before. We 7 ( not tasted ) haven’t tasted some of the tapas dishes before, but I'm sure they'll be delicious!


tapas - это испанские закуски, как мини бутербродики с различной начинкой.

4) Она говорит что это одна из лучших вещей, которые она когда-либо делала. never - никогда, поэтому ever (когда-либо) правильный вариант.

6) Я думаю Мелисса нервничает, потому что она никогда ранее не готовила для своих друзей. has never cooked - никогда не готовила. В английском языке не используется двойное отрицание поэтому перед never, будет has, без частицы not.

Two boys went to the cinema for the premiere of a children's film.    - how do you dema film will be interesting?     - i think yes. he's a new one!     - paid for me?     - ok.     after 2 hours, 30 minutes     - did you like it?     - of course! was great! and you liked it?     - very!     and they went home together.  

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