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Выберите вариант завершения предложения соответствующий тексту: It was necessary to introduce changes into
A. … the plan of the President's House.
B. … public ceremonies held in the President's residence.
C. … the design of the monument to H. Truman.
D. … the working hours of President's staff.

1. The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States of America. It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, D.C.* The White House has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams in 1800.
2. The main residence, as well as the foundation of the house, were built largely by enslaved* and free African-American workers, as well as employed Europeans. The house was designed by Irishborn* James Hoban and built between 1792 and 1800 of whitepainted sandstone in the neoclassical* style. Then Thomas Jefferson moved into the house in 1801.
3. By 1948, the house's exterior walls and internal wooden parts were to be reconstructed. Under Harry Truman a new internal 45 steel frame* bearing* the load had to be constructed inside the walls. When this work was completed, the interior rooms were rebuilt.
4. As time passed changes had to be introduced into the architectural plan. The house had to be five times smaller, than it had been designed. The finished structure contained only two main floors instead of three. When construction was finished, the sandstone*walls were coated* with a mixture of lime, rice glue*, casein, and lead*, giving the house its familiar color and name.
5. Today, the White House has got six floors. The Complex includes the Executive Residence*, West Wing, East Wing, the Eisenhower* Executive Office Building - the former* State Department*, which now houses offices for the President's staff and the Vice President and a guest residence. As it is a famous structure in America, several replicas* of the White House have been constructed.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) She usually walks to school.

2) The child seldom cries.

3) Marc likes fruits and vegetables.

Все эти предложения в Present Simple, так как они выражают постоянные действия, которые происходят в жизни человека. Для Present Simple характерны такие указатели времени: usually, sometimes, never, seldom, often(обычно, иногда, никогда, редко, часто).

Например, I often go fishing- я часто иду на рыбалку. Действие постоянное , это настоящее время.

В то время как Present Continuous выражает действия, которые происходят прямо в данный момент.

Например, I am watching TV now- я сейчас смотрю телевизор. Это действие происходит в данный момент и также есть NOW- характерное для этого времени.

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