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Past Simple vs Past Continuous Заполнить пробелы
1) When I (run) for the bus, I (lose) my keys.
was loosing lost run was running
2) While they (swim) in the Atlantic, they (see) a shark.
were seeing were swimming saw swam
3) His car (break) down while he (drive) to school.
drove was driving broke was breaking
4) I (find) my lost watch when I (sweep) the floor.
swept found was sweeping was finding
5) While Tom (play) the piano, his mother (do) the washing-up.
played did was playing was doing
6) He (drink) some juice and then he (eat) a few chips.
was eating ate was drinking drank
7) I (have) dinner when I (hear) a loud noise.
was hearing heard had was having
8) When it (start) to rain, our dog (want) to come inside.
wanted was wanting was starting started
9) When Jane (do) a language course, she (visit) Oxford.
was doing was visiting visited did
10) I (not / hear) what they (talk) about.
were talking didn't hear wasn't hearing talked

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