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3 Choose the best ending (a or b) for the sentences, 1 We couldn't open the front door because
a it had snowed all night. b it snowed all night
2 It was a lovely spring day and the birds
a sang
b were singing
3 I looked out of the window and noticed that
a it had stopped raining b it was stopping raining
4 The plants died because we
a were forgetting to water them.
b forgot to water them,
5 Before I left the house, 1
a locked all the windows, b was locking all the windows,
6 I wasn't particularly hungry because
a I'd already had lunch. b I already had lunch.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.the miditerranean sea is surrounded by three continents2.i was interrupted   in the middle of my story by someone 

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