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23) A brown bear looks (24)He always drops

(25) He often picks

(26)I was surfing the net last night and came

(27) It often takes a long time to get

(28) She decided to give

(29) She needs some help to sort

(30) They’ve gone to see

a. across a good site for hitchhikers

b. after her cubs for about two and a half years.

c. off the kids at school on his way to work.

d. off their friends at the airport.

e. out a problem with a virus on her computer.

f. over a serious illness like that.

g. up hitchhikers in his truck.

h. up the sport after her latest injury.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Дружба на всю жизнь -  to have a lifelong friendship, сразу нажать - to click straight away, согласиться друг с другом - to agree with each other, подло вести себя по отношению  к людям - to be mean to people, чувствовать себя разочарованным - to feel disappointed, стыдиться самого себя - to feel ashamed of oneself, ссориться с кем-то - to fall out with somebody, держаться вместе - to stick together, помириться  с кем-то - to make up with somebody, иметь значение - to matter, подвести кого-то - to let somebody down  , хихикать - to giggle, скучать по кому-то -    to miss somebody, запугивать кого-то - to bully somebody, чувствовать себя неловким - to feel awkward, чтобы посмеяться - to have laugh, обратиться за к кому-либо -    to turn to somebody for help, иметься хорошее чувство юмора -    to have a good sense of humour, полагаться на кого-либо -    to rely on somebody.

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