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Измените предложения на страдательный залог. 1.Change the sentences to passive voice.
People make shoes in that factory.
2.All workers will read the instruction.
3.They must have left the keys at home.
4.The guide will show us the Kremlin in the afternoon.
5.The storm destroyed the house.
6.The professor told him not to talk in class.
7.Jim will repair the car.
8.Someone broke into my office.
9.The students are using the computers right now.
10.They might take the old man to the hospital.
11.Millions of fans will see the final game tomorrow.
12.The government has built a new road in this area
13.They were rebuilding the old road when I drove by.
14.They haven’t decided anything yet.
15.The waitress will bring you your drinks in a minute.
16.People asked me the way three times.
17.The helpers have not packed the boxes yet.
18.They will launch the new ship next week.
19.Someone pushed Harry.

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