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What did they do in their free time? People in ancient Rome loved going to the baths. There were usually
cold, hot and warm baths. There were public swimming pools too. They
were big rooms and were usually full of people. This is where Romans
went to relax and talk with their friends.
Romans also liked to watch chariot racing. The chariots had two or four
wheels and were pulled by horses. The races were very exciting because
they were very fast and there were lots of crashes.
One of the Romans' favourite activides was watching gladiators fight.
They fought in big sta mums like the Coliseum. Gladiators were usually
prisoners or slaves who had to fight. Good gladiators became really
famous but most of them were killed when they were fighting.
In ancient Greece, peopie used to do a lot of sport. The first Olympic
Games were 2800 years ago in Greece. There was only one race and all
of the athletes were men. Women couldn't even go to watch the race
because the men didn't wear clothes.
Answer True or False.
1. Ancient Romans loved to watch TV.
2. Chariot racing was exciting.
3. Women in ancient Greece used to watch men race.
4. The first Olympics were in Rome.
People used to take baths with their friends.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 he spended   last summer in the country.

2 he didn't   spend last summer in the country.

3did   he   spend last summer in the country?

4 where did he   spend last summer?

5 she   helped mother yesterday.

6 she didn"t   help mother yesterday.

7 did she   help mother yesterday?

8how   did she help mother yesterday?

9kate   cooks dinner every day.

10kate will cook dinner tomorrow.

11kateis cooking dinner now.

12 kate cooked dinner yesterday.

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