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Переведите на с правильной постановкой предложения: я считаю, что язык один из самых сложных языков на земле. язык изучается в европе, но проще . отличие языка от , такие как например: окончания слов, в языке не спрягаютя слова, и там многие буквы читаются другими. мне нравится язык так как это мой родной язык, и я родилась в россии.

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Ответы на вопрос:

On my opinion russian is one of the most difficult languages in the world. russian is learned in europe, but russian is simpler than english. difference of russian from english, such such as: the terminations of words, in english don't change words, and there many letters are read by others. i like russian as it is my native language, and i was born in russia.

1) i still remember this person.2), she   listens nobody.3)are you listening the radio? - no, i am watching tv. 4)the srudens are still writhing quiz.5)it's depending on you now.6)he remind his father.7)are you walking now? - yes, i am.8)my elder son is having lunch and little son is sleeping.9)we don't still agree with you.10)where are you going? - i am going to work.11)they are still talking about the film.12)this book includes 3 parts.13)is your sister talking on the phone? - no, he isn't.14)how he has a wonderfull house on the bank.15) what is he listening to? - he is still listeniing radio.








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