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Test on Module 1. (Form8) I. Match the opposites.

1. blush a)stubborn

2.shy b)easy- going

3.flexible c)rude

4.irritable d)humorous

5.moody e)pale

6.polite f)sociable

II. Use -un, -im, -in, less- and write the negative form of the following adjectives

patient – reliable –

sensitive – helpful -

careful - comfortable -

III. Fill in the missing words: honest, disappointed, reliable, puzzled, confident, acquaintance, acceptable , sensitive, generous, stubborn.

1. …..people always know what to do and what to say.

2. I think he won’t change his mind. He’s very ….. .

3. She is quite …. . Trust her.

4. I’m not surprised he has got a lot of friends. He is rather …. .

5. I haven’t heard him tell a lie. He is the most …. person.

6. The situation was so strange that he looked …. .

7. My granny is very …. . She always cries watching films about the war.

8. I don’t know him well. He’s only a/an ….. .

9. We speak only on …. topics such as family, sport, films, etc.

10. The lecture was boring and students were…. .

IV. Fill in the correct preposition.

1. They were proud …. her success.

2. The teacher tried to get her ideas … every student.

3. They are very close … each other.

4. I can’t wait to get …. the flu and go out.

5. She didn’t answer my letter and got me …. greatly.

6. Doctors must be especially patient …. the elderly people.

7. She has always been jealous …. her elder sister’s attractive appearance.

8. They are looking forward to getting these exams….. .

9. She’s very nervous …. her driving test.

10. How are you getting…. with your parents?

V. Use the idioms to complete the sentences.

1. She has strong opinions on all the questions and isn’t afraid to ….. her … .

2. He is always getting into trouble. He is a …. the … .

3. She is too talkative. If I were you, I’d …. my …. .

4. I wish I could …the ….. while meeting new people.

5. She is so stubborn and it …..my…. .

6. He speaks in such a loud voice. It … me …. .

VI. Put the verbs into the correct tense.

1.you (know) this man? .

2. I(write) a letter to you as soon as I( come) home.

3. I(wait) for you since early morning.

4.Bees ( give) honey.

5. Your perfume ( smell) wonderful!

6. Where they ( spend) their last weekend?

7. The film ( start) at 4.30.

8. He never( arrive) on time.

9. What you ( look) at?

10. He ( find)an old boot while he ( work) in the garden.

11. Why you (taste) the soup?

12. Look at the sky! It (be )a fine day.

13. What’s that noise? – Our neighbors ( have) a party.

14. How long you ( live) in Moscow?

15. I think he ( be) a famous artist.

16. As he ( drive) to work, he ( have) an accident.

17.We (fly)to Madrid in two days.

18. My parents ( buy) me a laptop for my last birthday.

VII. Complete the gaps with the correct form of the adjectives.

1. Mary is ..(attractive) than her friend.

2. Pete is twice … (clever) as Paul.

3. His house is ..(far) from the school than mine.

4. As time went by, he got … and…. ( impatient).

5. We were bored because the game was the… ( interesting) of all.

6 .The…( long) he talked, the… ( confused) they became.

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Ilike to skate and ski in winter - зимой!

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