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Раскройте скобки используя Present Simple и Preset Continuous. My working day
I (come) at my boutique showroom office at 9:00 am. I usually (spend)the first forty five minutes surfing design sites for the latest news and trends. But now I (spend) much more time doing this, and actually, I really (love) this process of getting new ideas and insights. My colleagues at the moment (sift through) e-mails and (respond) to customers’ calls. As a rule, the first clients (arrive) for their consultation at 10:00 am, and some of them have already come. I (wait for) my client to arrive. She (come) to see some items I have included in the blueprint.
1:00 pm: My customer hasn’t come yet. Now she (plan) to visit my office at 5:00 pm. Meanwhile, our showroom (buzz) with visitors. And I (leave) for a meeting with a new client. I (meet) new customers 2 times a week at lunch time. I (plan) to return back at 4:30 pm. and to finish my working day at 7:00 pm.

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Яне хожу в кружки. но с радостью посещаю спортзал. в спортзале я тренирую свое тело для большей выносливости, а также делаю его объемней и привлкательней. в спортзале есть множество тренажеров, но не все они мне подходят. мой тренер составляет мне диету и говорит что я должен делать конкретно на каждой тренировке.

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