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Fill in the noun form that is required because of the preceding word in bold type. e. g. The decision faced strong opposition. The president could not ignore the strength of public opinion. 1) She was not certain that she would win. Because of this ... she could not concentrate. 2) Our granny charmed us with her pleasant voice. She never lost her... even when tired or disappointed. 3) They soon became acquainted with a lawyer, an ... which brought them many benefits. 4) You shouldn’t feel inferior to your classmates. This feeling of ... causes you to be shy and retiring. 5) Temporarily we were lodged in the attic, but were promised to be given ... in a separate house. 6) ‘‘Where was he born?’’ ‘‘He is Spanish by ... and French by origin.’’ 7) Why did you refer to only this source in your report? It is necessary to make ... to other authors in order to be more convincing

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Ответы на вопрос:

I'd like to go to australia. i really like this country because it is very exotic. there are many unusual animals and plants which you can meet only  in australia. the climate is hot. sidney is the capital of australia and it is famous worldwide for it's opera. the nature is actually impressive. i'd like to go to the beach and surf. я бы хотела поехать в австралию. я действительно люблю эту страну, потому что она экзотичная. там есть много необычных животных и растений, которых вы можете встретить только в австралии. климат жаркий. сидней - это столица австралии, и он знаменит по всему миру своей оперой. природа действительно впечатляющая. я бы хотела пойти на пляж и заняться серфингом. 

Популярно: Английский язык