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New innovations. Повторение Read the text and fill in the gaps with the right nouns.
- We're live from this year's Innovation Show in Brazil and we're very lucky to have top American innovator and
, Ruth Martin, here with us today. Welcome to the show, Ruth.
- Thank you for having me.
- So, Ruth. Tell us, what is your favourite gadget in the show so far?
- Well, some of the smartphones are brilliant. But if I had to choose one gadget to take home, it would be the Q-watch. It's an amazing all-in-one
, phone and camera that you can also use for surfing the internet and social
.And it looks so good, too! It comes in purple, pink, grey, red, brown and black. You can choose cotton, metal, leather or plastic straps.
- So, you think wearable technology is here to stay?
- Yes. It's a great mix of technology and fashion, I think!​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.the radio was on but nobody_was listening _to it a)were listening b)was listening c)weren't listening 2.she_was cooking _dinner while her husdand was working in the garden a)was cooking b)was cook c)were cooking 3.carol was at the party last night. she_ was wearing _a very nice dress. a)wearing b)was wearing c)were wearing 4._was she knitting _at 8 p.m. yesterday? a)knitting she b)were she knitting c)was she knitting 5.we__were driving along the coast all evening yesterday a)was driving b)were driving c)were drive 6.i_wasnt doing _anything this time yesterday a)wasn't doing b)weren't doing c)not doing 7.we_were making _a snowman all morning yesterday a)were making b)were make c)was making 8.lucy_ was having _a bath at 9 o'clock yesterday a)were having b)was have c)was having 9.when i last saw you, you_were studying _at university a)were studying b)was studying c)studying 10.he was waiting __for me wen a came a)was wait b)was waiting c)were waiting 11.kelly was busy, so we weren’t staying __very long a)wasn't staying b)wasn't stay c)weren't staying 12.why_ was that woman staring _at you? a)were that woman staring b)was that woman staring c)was that woman stare 13.i didn'tgo to work yesterday. i_ wasn’t feeling _well a)wasn't be feel b)wasn't feeling c)weren't feeling 14.when i met tim in the shop, he_ was looking _for a new computer a)was looking b)were looking c)was look 15.sally and ann_ were running _in the park when it started raining a)was running b)were run c)were running 16.when i got home, my sister__was playing with a kitten. a)playing b)was playing c)were playing 17.where were you yesterday evening? i_was visiting _my niece in hospital a)was visiting b)was visit c)were visiting 18.sue_ was standing _outside the theatre when the performance began a)was to standing b)was standing c)were standing 19.tom and liz were busy yesterday. they were helping __their mom around the house a)helping b)was helping c)were helping 20.we_ were decorating _a new year tree all morning yesterdaya)were decorating b)were to decorating c)was decorating

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