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Use the possessive instead of the of-phrases.
1. Her eyes are as green as the eyes of a cat.
2. After two weeks of rest we resumed our work.
3. The order of the commander-in-chief was announced on the radio.
4. "This seems to be a wedding-ring usually worn by a woman, not a man, " the detective said.
5. One of the friends of my elder brother told us a funny story the other day.
6. When we arrived, the elder brother of my friend Mary had already left.
7. The gardener gathered and burned the dry leaves of last year.
8. I'll be seeing you in the house of my grandfather tomorrow.
9. I hate that habit of my brother Peter to make fun of everybody.
10. I decided to stay for a few more minutes for the sake of politeness.
11. This popular song of Chaikovsky is written on the lyrics of the 19th century poet Maikov.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Her eyes are as green as a cat's eyes

2. After two weeks' rest we resumed our work

3. The commander-in-chief's order was announced on the radio

4. "This seems to be a woman's wedding-ring, not a man's " the detective said. (неочень уверена в праивльности этого предложения)

5. One of my elder brother's friends told us a funny story the other day.

6. When we arrived, Mary's elder brother had already left.

7. The gardener gathered and burned the last year's dry leaves.

8. I'll be seeing you in my grandfather's house tomorrow.

9. I hate that brother Peter's habit to make fun of everybody.

10. I decided to stay for a few more minutes for politeness' sake.

11. This popular song of Chaikovsky is written on the 19th century's poet Maikov's lyrics

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