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"as ... as" or "not so ... as".
1. Sam has got hair of the same colour as Robert.
2. Eve as smaller than Tara.
3. Emma has got brown eyes, Ann has got brown eyes too.
4. Brenda and Sara are tall girls.
5. My sister is older than yours.
6. Garry is better in Maths than Maria.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Does she often come here? . (go on – продолжай, go back – возвращайся, go away – go to the room please. where does he work? nick is sick. come in here please. our teacher does not often give us a of homework to do. go to the blackboard please. open the book at page 25 ann is english. take your book and put it on the table please put the book into the bag please do you live in moscow? he/ she doesn't work here. i am not there now. tom is at home now. go to the blackboard please. are you at home? come in please. come in please. i am not a student. come into the room please. nik and tom are friends. the book is on the table. we are at school now.

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