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Чтобы облегчить свою жизнь, люди изобретали машины и инструменты.люди загрязнением воды и воздуха.суда, сбрасывая отходы в океан, загрязняют воду.рыба в загрязненной воде умирает или становится ядови¬той.машины и фабрики загрязняют воздух и разрушают озо¬новый слой земли.кислотный дождь нарушает в природе.люди должны научиться защищать землю и воздух от загрязнения. перевести на

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Ответы на вопрос:

To make life easier, people invented machines and  and instruments. people think about water and air pollution. ships  and boats  dumping waste into the ocean, pollute the water. in polluted water fish are dying  or become poisonous. (или:     many fish are dying in the sea, others are getting contaminated).  machines and factories pollute the air and destroy the ozone layer of the earth.  acid rain disrupts the balance in nature. people need to learn to defend our planet  and avoid air pollution.

To make your life easier, people invent machines and tools. people are concerned about water and air pollution. court dumping waste into the ocean, polluting the water. fish in polluted water dies or becomes poisonous. machines and factories pollute the air and destroy the earth's ozone layer. acid rain disrupts the balance in nature. people need to learn to defend the land and air pollution.

Is he driving a bike? are they happy together? who is the tallest in the group? what are you doing?

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