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Task III. Use of English. Choose the best option. (6 points: 0,5 for each sentence) 1.Oleg is creative. He has lot of ideas for the party.
a) too b) so c) enough
2.We had these customs for a really long time - they are very .
a) atmospheric b) crowded c) traditional
3.We enjoy to music.
a) listening b) listen c) to listen

4.Don’t leave the on! It wastes water.
a) heater b) remote control c) tap
5.I like .
a) dance b) dancing c) dancing/to dance
6.We live in a small village before moving here.
a) would b) used to c) used to/would
7. I go to school by car.
a) would b) used to c) would/used to
8. We have our own .
a) school bus b) school motor c) school university
9. The website will tell you all the information you need to know.
a) which b) who c) which/that
10. She’s my classmate phone was stolen two days ago.
a) who b) whose c) which
11. We visited the village my granny was born.
a) which b) whose c) where
12. This is the family we stayed with in England.
a) that b) whose c) where

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Ответы на вопрос:

You know i have a brother - ты знаешь, что у меня есть брат. my broter name is bit - моего брата зовут бит. he is a nice boy - он хороший\красивый мальчик. he wants to be a teacher - он хочет быть учителем. ( я не совсем поняла, у вас слов не дано? слово учитель я придумала сама) what do i want to be? - кем хочу быть я? a computer engineer - инженером. i think it is great - я думаю это замечательно. what's the weather like today? - какая сегодня погода? let me have a look - я посмотрю. oh, it's warm and sunny - тепло и солнечно bit and i can go for a walk - мы с битом можем сходить на прогулку we've got two cousins and they've got a dog - у нас есть два двоюродных брата, а у них есть собака we can do for a walk with our cousins' dog - мы можем погулять с собакой наших двоюродных братьев we usually have a good time and a lot of fun - обычно мы хорошо и весело проводим время

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