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Write 6 different sentences using -ing or to and verbs like, love, hate, would like, would mind, enjoy. Перевод: Напишите 6 различных предложений, используя -ing или to и такие глаголы, как, любить, ненавидеть, хотел бы, не возражал бы, наслаждаться.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Write 6 different sentences using -ing or to and verbs like, love, hate, would like, would mind, enjoy.

Перевод: Напишите 6 различных предложений, используя -ing или to и такие глаголы, как, любить, ненавидеть, хотел бы, не возражал бы, наслаждаться.

When i was four months old, my mother died. i had no brothers or sisters. so all my boyhood, from the age of four months, there were just two of us, my father and me. we lived in an old gypsy caravan. my father owned the filling station and the caravan, that was about all he owned in the world. it was a very small filling station on a small country road with fields and woody hills around it. my father, without any doubt, was the most wonderful and exciting father any boy ever had. here is a picture of him

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