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Mark: ___ / 10 2 Complete the sentences with the correct articles (a, an, the or – no article).
1 I was at train station when you called me.
2 I left work at 6 p.m.
3 Yellowstone National Park is in Rocky Mountains.
4 Our new neighbours, Greens, have got a cat and a dog.
5 We practise three times week.
6 Are you going to beach this afternoon?
7 The kids are sitting at table eating breakfast.
8 Is there post-office near here?
9 They went to Canary Islands last summer.
10 They’re opening art gallery here.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the

2. -

3. the

4. -

5. a

6. -

7. the

8. a

9. the

10. an

Привет Как успехи Привет Как успехи а

1. the engine cab of  driver  is equipped with new signaling devices.  кабина  машиниста оснащена новыми сигнализационными устройствами. 2. on the first railways, there were no conductors and an engine driver  collected the fares of  passengers   himself.на первом железнодорожном пути не было кондукторов, и машинист сам собрал с пассажиров плату за проезд. 3. the engineers continue to work on the problem of increasing  the  speed of  passenger  trains.  инженеры продолжают работать над проблемой увеличения скорости пассажирских поездов.

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