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Test напишите 2ю форму глаголов в Past Simple
play, dance, go, run, read, be, visit, say, have, enjoy, see, write, jump, get, skip, take, post, do, decorate.
Выпишите предложение, в котором сказуемое (глагол) выражено глаголом в Past Simple
a) I am reading a book now.
b) She plays basketball every day.
c) We ate apples yesterday.
d) Mother will go to the shop tomorrow.
e) They haven’t written a test yet.
Раскройте скобки, используя Past Simple
1. I (go) to school at half past seven.
2. You (have) a new book.
3. Yesterday, she (go) to the cinema.
4. Last year, my parents (run) a marathon.
5. I (be) the best at mathematics one year ago.
6. Yesterday, she (go) to bed at midnight therefore today she is tired.
7. I (eat) in an Italian restaurant last week.
8. Yesterday my father (decorate) the Xmas tree.
9. We (visit) Chinese Great Wall in 2006.
10. Daisy (play) the violin at the concert last Saturday.
11. This morning Merlin's horse (jump) very high.
12. Mr. Johnson (invite) all the children: they went to the Zoo!
13. Yesterday I went to the dentist. I (cry) a lot!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) i was send an invitation by my friend

2) kitchen floor is washed with a map by the cleaner

3) sheep is fed by the farmer now

4) my parents were invited to the room by the principal

5) the front door was broken by someone

6) he was chosen as the best actor of the year

7) vegetables are grown by ma granny in the garden every year

8) the new year tree will be decorated by us next week

9) your health could be improved with some sports

10) lunch had been already eaten by us

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