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When the conference? a) did you attend b) have you attended c) you will attend

This picture by Goya.

a) is being painted b) was painted c) painted

He said his name Tom.

a) is b) was c) were

If I meet him I him my new address.

a) will give b) give c) would give

My friend wishes he a car.

a) have b) has c) had

I want to finish this letter before my secretary .

a) will come back b) came back c) comes back

He wanted me him five euro.

a) lend b) to lend c) that I lend

The office manager had a difficult decision to make today, ?

a) wasn’t he? b) didn’t he? c) hadn’t he?

Helen is person I know.

a) the more intelligent b) the most intelligent c) most intelligent

She here for 10 years.

a) is working b) has been working c) works

We examinations twice a year.

a) have been taking b) take c) are taking

Last year we hoped she come.

a) will b) would c) shall

If they to an agenda, we must postpone the meeting.

a) have yet agreed b) still have not agreed c) already are agreeing

The new employee is both ambitious hard working.

a) or b) neither c) and

When he , our representatives will present the new plan to the public.

a) arrived b) arrives c) had arrived

At this moment, I my ears!

a) couldn’t believe b) can’t believe c) am not believing

She all of her work by 9.00 p.m. tonight.

a) has finished b) is finishing c) will have finished

All my money by the burglars!

a) was stealing b) has been stolen c) were stolen

He away from work all this week.

a) is b) has been c) have been

Our guests . They are sitting in the office.

a) had arrived b) arrived c) have arrived

If I you I would tell him the truth.

a) was b) were c) am

All his money spent on books last month.

a) was b) were c) have been

She has neither friends relatives to help her.

a) or b) nor c) and

He is not so as I am.

a) busy b) busier c) more busy

I wish you so much coffee.

a) haven’t drunk b) drink c) didn’t drink

I expect to help you.

a) him b) his c) he

I heard that he his own business.

a) established b) had established c) establishes

I didn’t see this girl .

a) somewhere b) anywhere c) nowhere

I can’t join your company. I have time.

a) few b) much c) little

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Статья 152 тк рф. оплата сверхурочной работы сверхурочная работа оплачивается за первые два часа работы не менее чем в полуторном размере, за последующие часы — не менее чем в двойном размере. конкретные размеры оплаты за сверхурочную работу могут определяться коллективным договором, локальным нормативным актом или трудовым договором. по желанию работника сверхурочная работа вместо повышенной оплаты может компенсироваться предоставлением дополнительного времени отдыха, но не менее времени, отработанного сверхурочно. 

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