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1 What does Sondra think is ehe most useful invention? 2 How oFten does she use ler a In Jerrys opinion, uhat is the main purpose of TV * In Sandra's opinion, which types of TV pregrammes are very 5 What is the mose importane thing that Jerry oune? 6 Which other useful lnvention does he mentiont 2 How does his computer help him with his school work? 8 How does he use it to communicate uith his friends? 9 Who eise uses Jerrys computer? İŞLCollective.com 10 Why doesn't Sandra use a computer muchr​

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1. is it a studio or a penthouse? 2. is it a cottage or a bungalo? 3. does he live in a flat or in a house? 4. would you like to live in an apartment block or in a house? 5. where does he live? 6. are terraced houses more popular in britain? 7. is it a semi-detached or detached house?

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