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Перевести на английский в условные предложения-conditionals type 3 If you (not to miss) the bus, you (not to be) late for your appointment.
If it (rain) yesterday, all the roads (block).
If you (not to distract) me, I (finish) my assignment on time.
If our team (play) better defense, we (win) the game.
I (notify) you earlier if I (receive) the e-mail from the bank.
I (stop) at the red light if I (see) it.
Jennifer (not to get) soaked if she (take) her umbrella with her.
I (buy) you at least a small gift if I (know) that it was your birthday.
If John (invite) me to his party, I (be) there.

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читатель для прожектора кентервилльского призрака

Популярно: Английский язык