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Раскрыть значение выражений (на ) 1.buckingham palace 2.westminster abby 3.r a f 4.tandem 5.cambridge

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. buckingham palace is the place where british quenn live and reigns2. in the westmister abby hold the coronations of british kngs and quenns3. royal air force — королевские военно-воздушные силы великобритании.rote armee fraktion — фракция красной армии, подпольная коммунистическая организация городских партизан4. maybe tandem is the oxford and the cambridge. the two most famous universities in the uk

1. buckingham palace is the place where british quenn live and reigns

2. in the westmister abby hold the coronations of british kngs and quenns

3. -

4. maybe tandem is the oxford and the cambridge. the two most famous universities in the uk


The  house of parlament

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