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Составьте новое предложение,употребив глагол в будущем продолженном времени. I.Helen's wearing a blue dress. (at the party tomorrow) 2. Steve's lying in the sun. (while Terry's working hard) 3. We're having lunch. (at 1 o'clock) 4.The boys are playing basketball. (until 5 o'clock) 5. I'm writing letters. (all day tomorrow) 6. Jane and Kate are watching video. (until midnight) 7. They're sitting an exam in German. (in June) 8.We're arriving at Paddington Station. (at 11 a.m.) 9. Uncle Dan is waiting at the airport to meet us. (when we come back in four weeks' time) 10.George is analyzing statistics on the department activities over the past quarter. ( at midday tomorrow) 11. We're discussing the company's profits and shareholders' dividends. (all morning the day after tomorrow) 12. We're developing the South Asia markets. (in a year's time)​

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а где задание???????))))))

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