13.07.2022 06:18
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Listen and complete the sentences. 45 The audio:
- Hi, Mike. How are you?
- Not bad. How are you?
- Good, thanks
Did you
the news about the new school year?
- Yes, I did. And I am so disappointed about it .
When do you think we'll go back to school?
- I don't really know I hope in November, after
the break. What do you think
- Yeah, I hope so. I'm not sure about the online
I don't have a very good internet connection
- Oh, I see. Yeah Internet connection is very
important as well as a good computer,
I know​

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4,4(93 оценок)

в клетках живых организмов больше всего содержится таких элементов как углерод водород кислород и азот

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