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Составить 20 предложений по типу: a person who eats a lot is fat. a person who is

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1.a person, who gives other people money, is generous 2. a person, who loves animals, is animal lover 3.a person, who reads a lot, is erudite 4.a person, who eats only vegetables, is vegetarian 5. a person, who lives in a city, is citizen. 6. a person, who eats much chocolate, is a sweet tooth. 7. a person, who lives is russia, is russian 8. a person, who often plays computer games, is gamer. 9.a person, who treats people, is doctor 10. a person, who takes photos, is photographer 11. a person, who writes books, is writer. 12.a person, who drives a taxi, is a taxi driver. 13. a person, who has many friends sociable. 14. a person, who does nothing, is lazy 15.a person, who has a son, is parent. 16. a person, who drinks a lot of alcohol, is alcoholic 17. a person, who can play the piano, is musician 18. a person, who can swim very well, is swimmer 19. a person, who makes designs of houses, is an architect 20. a person, who does a lot of useful things,is industrious

1. if i knew his address, i would visit him. 2 тип 2. if sue tells anybody the news, it won’t be a secret. 1 3. if tom hadn’t missed the bus, he would have come to the meeting on time. 3 4. if i see jill, i will remind her to call you. 1 5. if i were you, i would choose the red dress. 2 6. if mike joined the studio, he would become a great dancer. 2 7. we will stay at this hotel provided it doesn’t cost much. 1 8. if mark had applied for the job, he would have got it. 3 9. if jack hadn’t passed all the exams, he wouldn’t have finished the university. 3 10. if he had phoned me, i would have told him the home task. 3 11. i won’t believe you unless you give clear evidence. 1 12. if i found a purse, i would give it back to the owner. 2 1. если бы я знал его адрес, я бы посетил его.2. если сью хоть кому-то скажет эту новость, она не будет секретом.3. если бы том не опоздал автобус, он пришел бы на встречу вовремя.4. если я увижу, джилл, я напомню ей, чтобы она позвонила вам.5. на твоём месте я бы выбрала красное платье.6. если майк поступил в студию, он стал бы великим танцором.7. мы остановимся в этом отеле, если это не дорого.8. если бы марк подал заявление на работу, он бы получил её.9. если бы джек не сдал все экзамены, он бы не закончил университет.10. если бы он позвонил мне, я сказал бы ему .11. я не поверю вам, если вы не предоставите надёжные доказательства.12. если я нашел кошелек, я бы отдал его обратно хозяину.

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